How to Yield Farm (SON)

Step 1: Purchase Your Desired Pair

Click 'Exchange' on

HyperSwap will open and SON token will be imported, but you must first confirm.

Purchase SON and the other token you will pair with SON. Make sure to change your slippage by click the the Setting button in the red square. (Recommended Slippage for SON = 10.5%)

Step 2: Add Liquidity

Click the 'Liquidity' button to add liquidity on HyperSwap

Add equal parts SON and the 2nd asset you wish to pair and click 'Supply' and 'Confirm Supply'

Step 3: Stake Your Asset(s)

Click 'Farms' ('Burn Backs' or 'Staking')

Click 'Approve Contract' of the desired farm you'd like to use.

Click the '+' button to add your LP token or Asset

Click 'Max' or manually enter the number of LP tokens you'd like to stake


Congrats you are now yield farming on BORGSWAP.

To claim your rewards simply click ‘Harvest’ and confirm. On the Staking page, if you are staking the same asset for the same asset, you can also click ‘Compound’ and confirm, to automatically harvest your rewards and stake them for higher returns.


Click the ‘-’ symbol and either click ‘Max’ or enter the amount of LP or single asset you would like to remove. Once you have removed the LP you can remove the liquidity from HyperSwap.

Last updated